EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

City, Cities   [734]
       water used to cause 7BC 946;Ev 27;PP 109;3SG 82;1SM 269;
    God will punish, as warning to nations Ev 27
    God’s judgments on (ancient), turned aside by humiliation and repentance PP 722
    God’s judgments will soon visit large Ev 29;LS 412;7T 83;WM 135;
    impending destruction of thousands of AH 136;Ev 29;WM 136;
    impending judgments of God upon PK 275-6
    ripe for destruction, children in peril in 2SM 355
    soon large, will be terribly shaken 7T 83
    views of balls of fire causing destruction of mansions in Ev 29;9T 28;
    villages and, earthquake will destroy GC 657;3SG 83;
    whole, being swept away CH 556
    wicked, destroyed by God’s judgments 1SM 269
7. Large
    becoming hotbeds of iniquity FE 422
    becoming like antediluvian world Ev 567;7T 55;
    Bible workers needed in AA 158-9;9T 111;
    businessmen in, message must be given to Ev 388
    camp meeting in, strong ministerial force needed for 6T 46
    camp meetings to be held in Ev 69-70, 79, 654;1SM 105;6T 33;7T 41;
    centers of influence in: men in positions of trust will help to establish 7T 112