EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

City, Cities   [734]
    decree of USA enforcing Sunday observance will be signal to leave 5T 464-5
    delay in evangelizing, results of Ev 228
    dens of iniquity in, physicians are not to work especially for persons in 6T 246
    depraved people in, gospel work for WM 254-5
    difficulties for SDA work in, Satan will multiply MM 301-2
    do not lightly pass over or neglect 8T 31
    evangelism in 7T 37-9
    evangelists in, encouragement needed by Ev 42
    evangelistic needs of, committee of seven should survey Ev 37-8
    evangelistic work in AA 158;Ev 42;GW 364-6;9T 145-6;
       avoid needless expenditure of money in Ev 85
       economy needed in Ev 126-7
       importance of CH 547
       more efficient methods of labor needed in MM 301
       needs to be well-organized MM 301
       one man cannot successfully handle 9T 144
       shun sensational efforts in Ev 42
       strong men should do Ev 70
    evangelistic work needed in Ev 60, 398-9;LS 417-8;9T 97-8;TM 400;
    experienced gospel workers needed in 4T 80