EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covenant   [419]
    is lifelong 7T 45
    is sacred 2T 391
    obligations of 2T 56
    solemnity of AH 106
    See also Marriage
11. Old
    compact in Scripture that is called PP 371
    compared and contrasted with the new 7BC 931
    conditions for gaining eternal life under, are same as under the new 7BC 931
    formed between God and Israel at Sinai PP 371
    no atonement specified for presumptuous sins under 7BC 931
    perfect obedience required by 7BC 931
    ratified by blood of sacrifice at Sinai PP 371
    sanctuary of GC 413
    sprinkling of blood of, represented shedding of Christ’s blood FE 507
    terms of, were obey and live PP 372
12. Various
    better: Christ has fulfilled God’s law for transgressors under 7BC 931
       justification through administration of 7BC 932
       men are cleansed from sin by Christ’s blood under 7BC 931