EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covenant   [419]
    between Laban and Jacob PP 193-4;3SG 126-7;SR 92;
    between Nehemiah and Israel not to transgress Sabbath law PK 667
    Christ’s, completed by His death and resurrection 7BC 932
    Father and Son united in, before earth was created DA 834
    first, sanctuary of GC 412-3
       sealed with blood after blood of old covenant had been shed PP 371
    Judas Iscariot twice made, to betray Christ DA 655
    made by Christ before earth was created FE 403
    made by Father with Christ, ratification of DA 790
    made by God to give His Son to save man DA 22
    made from eternity, Abraham was given 6BC 1114;FE 403;
    made with his fathers, Jacob pleaded before God His GC 616-7
       Moses was pointed to God’s PP 259
    of allegiance to God made by Israel at Mt. Sinai 4T 514-5
    of blessing: confirmed to Abraham on Mt. Moriah GC 18
       included Messianic promise PK 37
       renewed to Abraham on Mt. Moriah PK 37
    of brethren, in celebration of ordinance of humility DA 651
    of church membership, believers are bound by COL 279
    of David’s righteous sovereignty, was written PP 702