EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covenant   [419]
    between David and Jonathan PP 649, 713
    between David and King Saul, at cave of Engedi PP 662
    between Father and Son: consummated fully at cross 5BC 1149;DA 834;
       fulfilled by Christ’s death DA 799, 834
       made before earth was created 6BC 1070, 1114
       made before foundation of world 5BC 1149;DA 22, 799, 834;FE 403;
       ratified in heaven at Christ’s first ascension 5BC 1150;DA 790;
    between God and Adam: after his fall PP 370
       could not be ratified until Christ’s death PP 370-1
       renewed to Abraham PP 370-1
       was covenant of grace PP 370
    between God and every believer in Christ 1BC 1107
    between God and Hezekiah PK 332
    between God and Jacob at Shechem PP 522
    between God and man, above Christ at second advent GC 641
    between God and Noah, Babel builders ignored God’s PP 120
       rainbow as token of 1BC 1091;PP 106-7;3SG 74;SR 70-1;
    between Joshua and Israel PP 524;4aSG 65;
    between Josiah and Israel, to faithfully serve God PK 400-1
    between kingdom of Israel and Assyria PK 280