EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covenant   [419]
    basis of, God’s law as PP 371
    blessings of, Christ’s righteousness alone entitles man to PP 431;1SM 351;
    Christians are bound up with Christ in CH 587
    could not be ratified until Christ’s death PP 370
    everlasting, Christ’s atonement forever sealed 7BC 933
    existed by God’s promise from Eden till Christ’s death PP 370-1
    first made with man in Eden after his fall PP 370
    God’s broad requirement under 1SM 373
    harmony with God’s law is required under COL 391
    offers to man God’s assisting grace for future obedience through faith in Christ PP 370
    pardon is offered to all men by PP 370
    promised men eternal life on condition of fidelity to God’s law PP 370
    ratified by Christ PP 371
    renewed in promises given to Abraham PP 370
    requirements under COL 391
    when ratified by Christ, became new covenant PP 371
    why, is called “second” or “new” covenant PP 371
10. Of marriage
    covers sins of darkest hue 2T 391, 472-3
    is blessing when entered into intelligently MH 356-7