EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covenant   [419]
    will not be broken by Him PK 187
    with His commandment-keeping people in last days PK 299
    with His people is framed from dictates of infinite wisdom 1BC 1120
       sanctification is fulfillment of 7BC 908
7. New
    Abrahamic covenant is called PP 371
    accepted by faith prior to its ratification by Christ PP 371
    all persons who receive Christ become: God’s children by DA 659
       joint heirs with Him by DA 659
    as covenant deed DA 659
    authority of God’s law is maintained by PP 370
    basis of, God’s law is PP 371
    blessings for this life and the next are given by DA 659
    blessings of, are grounded on God’s mercy in forgiving sin 7BC 931
       how God prepared Israel to appreciate PP 372
    Christ committed, to His followers DA 659
    Christ has fulfilled God’s law for transgressors under 7BC 931
    Christ is minister of DA 166
    Christ’s atoning sacrifice is, sealed with blood 5BC 1102
    Christ’s ratification of covenant of grace made it the PP 370-1