EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Covenant   [419]
       realization of complete fulfillment of GC 485
    provisions of, for man’s salvation PP 372-3
    ratified by Christ’s blood 5BC 1102;DA 656-9;PP 371;
    sanctuary of GC 413, 417
    sealed with Christ’s blood 5BC 1102
       after blood of first covenant had been shed PP 371
    transfer of sin to heavenly sanctuary under GC 421
    valid in Abraham’s time PP 371
    why Abrahamic covenant is called PP 371
    why covenant of grace is called PP 371
    as spiritual agreement 6T 99
    believers are bound by, to live for Him 6BC 1075
       meaning and obligations of 1BC 1120;CG 530-1;6T 98-9;
    obligations of, are mutual 6T 99
       on God’s part 6T 99
    renewal of, rebaptism as Ev 375 See also Baptism;Baptismal vow;
9. Of grace
    Abrahamic covenant is 1BC 1092;6BC 1077;PP 370;
    accepted by faith before Christ died PP 371