EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Cross, Crosses   [540]
    outwardly honored and exalted by Roman Catholics GC 568
    Roman Catholics claim to reverence GC 568
    Roman Catholics place, on their churches, altars, and garments GC 568
    self-made, are not Christ’s cross 4T 626-7
       no need for 1T 205-6
    wearing of, Christianity’s badge is not MH 469
    accountability to show influence of, in the life LHU 230.5
    affirms God’s love and willingness to save TMK 367.5
    appeal of LHU 233.2
    appears in the judgment HP 361.3
    bearing, See Cross, carrying
    behold, and the Victim on it HP 222.2
    between divinity and humanity 3SM 194.1
       all stamped with, and bear the image of Christ FW 22.1
       that come through UL 191.5
    blind to truth for not wanting to lift FW 41.2
    brings liberty, hope and strength HP 275.5
       and understanding self-denial TDG 49.8