EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Cross, Crosses   [540]
       before the world as godliness is reflected RC 297.6
       by Jesus and Simon CC 325
       crown desired more than PM 247.1
       (desire for) comes by looking at it FW 16.1
       for Christ who suffered for us TMK 289.4
       heaven entered only by path of OHC 189.5
       in the spirit of Jesus, our commission TDG 49.5
       necessary before entering the eternal city TMK 115.3
       not accepted by one defiled with sin TDG 291.4
    central attraction
       and influence LHU 230.2
       believers to be united 3SM 21.3
    centrality of, known by angels; our reluctance TDG 51.3
    character of,
       God in light of, shows mercy and justice RC 284.5
       God’s law seen only through TMK 208.2
    children to be taken to, by parents OHC 304.3
       endured agony of, that humans might be saved TMK 368.2
       knew temptation on, as no other can know 3SM 132.1