EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Cross, Crosses   [540]
    glory in, under all circumstances RC 349.4
    God the Father looks on, with relenting compassion OHC 46.2
    grace leads to, to become active workers RC 346.4
    gulf opened by sin is bridged by TDG 176.3
    harmonizes love and justice LHU 252.4
    harvest of, bears fruit unto eternal life UL 110.6
    Holy Spirit helps through RC 17.6
    honors Christians who honor it TMK 174.6
       value of, estimated by; then work for souls LHU 244.6
       valued by AG 83.2
       with the greatest power have lived in light from TDG 316.3
    humility at, when seeing Him by faith RC 76.5
    immutability of the law proclaimed by, not its abolition RC 53.5
       found or created by LHU 230.3
       of, to be seen in the Christian TDG 106.6
    interest of God in each person shown by TDG 184.3
    jewelry of pleasure lovers symbolizes Con 65.1
    Jewish rulers remember Christ on, at second coming Mar 293.5