EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Cross, Crosses   [540]
    making, for God’s people UL 169.4
    meeting of righteousness and peace at, to be understood TMK 70.3
    mercy and truth met at LHU 230.3
    message of, unpleasant, bearers to show truth OHC 34.7
    nearer to, learning penitence RC 295.4
    obedience involves UL 325.4
    path from manger to, shadowed by sorrow TMK 66.2
    peace of Christ on, given to His disciples HP 249.2;RC 278.3;
    pledge of,
       God’s desire for our happiness HP 45.5
       love and mercy of the heavenly Father TDG 88.2
    pointing others to Him who was uplifted on LHU 209.4
       of, feelings of hope, fear and adoration in LHU 252.3
       through coming to, in faith UL 359.3
    presenting, again and again, in every discourse VSS 315.1
    priests and rulers puzzled to find someone to carry CC 325.2
    proves Jesus’ love to each OHC 163.3
    reason to love and honor Christ TMK 65.2
    reconciles humans and God OHC 46.2