EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Cross, Crosses   [540]
    knowledge of, Paul spread, through danger and obstacles OHC 249.3
    law glorified by light from LHU 150.5
    laying aside TDG 294.6
       not death spoken by HP 52.2
       to be affected by; not to be worn as ornament LHU 245.3
    lifting, See Cross, carrying
    lifts those that lift it UL 355.4
    light from,
       humbles every proud thought OHC 114.3
       shows work to be done as long as time lasts TDG 293.6
    live in the sunlight of HP 52.6
    look in faith to, and live; our song in eternity TDG 176.6
    looking at,
       humbles; price of salvation remembered TDG 261.4
       petty vexations vanish TDG 338.3
       softens the heart TMK 283.2
       beyond measure revealed at TMK 369.3
       of God faintly seen beneath; measureless love 1MCP 251.2