EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Cross, Crosses   [540]
       contemplation and joy LHU 249.5
       disciples’ witness TMK 344.3
    thief on,
       Christ alone could respond to TDG 236.4
       Christ’s heart was poured out in forgiveness for 3SM 132.1
       prayer of, note of faith in, music to Christ TDG 236.5
       seen by Christ as less guilty than priests TDG 236.4
    truth chosen involves; Satan presents an easier way FW 46.0
       genuine only in UL 279.6
       with the Lamb impossible without OHC 46.2
    value of,
       Christ’s death on, known by experience TDG 46.5
       working for others shown by RC 284.7
    vanquishes every earthly power LHU 230.2
    viewing, inhibits our complaint and revenge TMK 65.3
    walk not in the shadow of HP 52.3
    work for those around who need light, lifting TDG 211.5
    world drawn into embrace of Christ at HP 33.5
    See also Calvary; Crucifixion