EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       God’s word his highest instructor FE 358
       no claim to sanctification SL 42
    made most of his opportunities to obtain education FE 373-4
    man of: humble spirit 4T 368
       influence FE 120
       like passions as ourselves MYP 242;PK 489, 546;4T 569;
       noble aspirations and purposes MYP 33
       prayer ML 20;2SM 229;TM 263;
       pure heart AH 301
       purity of character SL 52
       strictly temperate habits CH 64;SL 21;
       unwavering fidelity SL 52
    men like, need of AH 301;CT 506;PK 488;
    men may come forth unsullied and unpolluted as did MM 39
    men who will do and dare like, need of AH 301;MYP 243;
    manifested most perfect courtesy TM 263
    many professed Christians regard, as narrow and bigoted CH 69;FE 78;
       as too particular CH 69;FE 78;
    med. student has access to God as did CT 486
    met: ridicule, envy, and hatred 4BC 1168;SD 211;