EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    in world but not of world 4T 569
    influence of, acknowledgment of God did not detract from 4BC 1170;7T 151;
    insignia of nobility worn by MYP 241-4;PK 485;Te 271;
    institutional workers like, SDA need CT 283;FE 230;
    integrity of, kept untarnished CT 478
       tested while he was student in Babylon FE 77
    intellectual capabilities of, increased in proportion to his spiritual development SD 322
    intellectual giant 4T 569
    Isaiah’s prophecies studied by PK 552-3
    Jeremiah’s prophecies studied by 4BC 1158;PK 553-4;SL 46;
       threescore years after they were written 4BC 1158
    keen of apprehension ML 147
    kept God’s glory ever before him FE 192
    kept his mind clear and composed Te 35
    king of Israel was prisoner of Babylonians in time of Ed 54
    kings and decrees could not make, swerve from allegiance to King of kings 4T 570
    knelt in prayer GW 178;PK 48;
    leading men of Medo-Persia became jealous of PK 539
    learned from God MYP 190
    life experiences of, study Ed 151-2