EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    plans for building temple were divinely given in detail to 2BC 1030;3BC 1128-9;PP 751;4aSG 94, 155;
    last address of, to Israel AA 94;PP 750-2;
    Solomon given minute directions by, re building temple PP 751
    last charge given to Solomon by AA 95;3BC 1129;MH 174;PK 26-7;PP 753;4aSG 94-6;TM 173;
       re Shimei 4aSG 96
    last words of, as recorded in song (2 Sam. 23:1-5, RV) PP 754
    died a natural death SR 244
5. Miscellaneous
    ambition kindled in, for worldly greatness PP 746-7
    angels protected PP 653, 657, 690;4aSG 83;
    appointed by God to destroy heathen nations PP 673
    appointed his uncle Jonathan as his counselor 3BC 1128
    army organized into 12 courses by 3BC 1128
    as man after God’s heart Ed 48;PP 636;4aSG 97;
    authority of, in home was weakened by his sin PP 723
    befriended by Nahash, king of Ammonites PP 714
    brave general PP 672
    brothers of, jealous toward him PP 645-6, 658;4aSG 80-1;
    character of, school of prophets influenced Ed 48
       worldly success and honor weakened PP 746