EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    chastened by God at Ziklag for lack of faith PP 692
    chosen messenger of God 4T 525
    Christ spoke through DA 434
    Christ was born of lineage of DA 44
    Christ was born of seed of 1SM 247
    Christ was of seed of, according to human descent 5BC 1130
    Christ was Son of DA 44, 608-9;PK 697;
    Christ’s first advent seen by, in prophetic vision PK 688
    communed with heaven through song Ed 164
    concern of, re his old age 3BC 1148;1T 422-4;
    condemnation of God’s broken law felt by PP 750
    consecrated to kingly office as God’s vicegerent PP 702
    courageous and decided before he sinned PP 729
    covenant renewed with God by PP 712
    deceptions practiced by 2BC 1022;PP 656, 673-4;
    development of genius of, for music and poetry PP 746
    did not exult in King Saul’s fall PP 695-6
    did not possess revengeful spirit 2BC 1024
    did not seek to excuse or palliate his sinful course 2BC 1023;PP 724-6;
    did not sit on traitor’s throne PP 698