EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Disciple of Christ, Disciples of Christ   [299]
       before Spirit was poured out 8T 20
       Christ’s prayer for SC 75;8T 239-41, 269;
    unlearned and ignorant men among 2T 343-4
    went forth as teachers and healers after Christ’s resurrection 8T 14
    were to: bear witness to His life and works DA 670
       teach what He had taught DA 826
    were to be: delivered up to councils 4T 234
       scourged in synagogues 4T 234
    were to see: Jerusalem in desolation GC 24-6;MB 120;
       temple swept away MB 120
    when thoughts of, were stormy and unreasonable DA 380
    why humble and unlearned men were chosen as AA 17;DA 250;GC 171;MH 197;
    with Him as pupils with teacher SC 72-3;5T 223;
    wondered at Christ’s conduct in dealing with Samaritans DA 193-4
    words spoken by, would echo from generation to generation to close of time AA 18-9
    work committed to, required great efficiency AA 31
    work done by, we also are to do MH 104
    See also Apostle
2. Miscellaneous
    angels guard sacred truths serving as anchor to EW 196-7