EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Disciple of Christ, Disciples of Christ   [299]
    reward promised to, for their service for Him COL 395-6
    Sanhedrin plotted to turn people against AA 80
    scenes of Christ’s life recalled by, after His ascension AA 36
    scriptures Christ explained to, better understood after Pentecost AA 44
    sealed their ministry with their blood 2T 345
    sent forth on first missionary tour CH 530-1, 541-2;DA 349-58;MH 139;4T 234;
    seven of, with Him by Sea of Galilee after His resurrection DA 809-17
    shared popular expectation of earthly kingdom MB 3
    slow to: learn that contempt and hatred must give place to pity and sympathy DA 193-4
       understand Him at first MB 25
    some, had friends dependent on them for support MH 480
    Spirit animated and spoke through AA 46
    spirit of self-seeking among DA 409
    spoke in power of Spirit after Pentecost AA 22
    strengthened by endowment of Spirit AA 46
    strife among, re who should be greatest DA 432-42, 549-51, 643-4, 719;GC 348;SL 55;
    subject to like passions as we are SC 73
    success of: Christ assumed responsibility for AA 29
       due only to God DA 250
       wise men marveled at 4T 378