EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Fast (fasting)   [139]
    entire abstinence from food may not be required in CD 188-9
    erroneous views re 1T 556
    for advancement of God’s work in time of conflict and opposition 1T 624
    for certain things, recommended as appropriate CD 187;MM 283;
    for deliverance in Jehoshaphat’s time PK 200
    for deliverance of victims of spiritualism 1T 343-4
    for divine wisdom in planning for God’s work 2SM 364
    for grace to: deny fleshly lusts CD 400;MM 283;
       overcome appetite for flesh foods CD 400;MM 283;
    for healing of JW 4T 283
    for removal of trials EW 106
    for wisdom that God has promised CD 188
       by Moses on Mt. Sinai 1BC 1109;5BC 1079;PP 313, 329;1SM 269;
       Christians not called upon to observe CD 189
       no virtue in CD 189
    God moved by, to unlock treasuries of truth 2T 650
    humble yourself before God in 2SM 379
    in self-justifying spirit, abominable to God 5BC 1098;DA 280;1SM 388;
    in development of character 4T 400