EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Flesh food, Flesh foods   [511]
    physical well-being injured 9T 156
    poison of worst kind taken into system 2T 405
    pulmonary diseases CD 383;9T 159;
    relish for plain, wholesome, and nutritious diet destroyed 4aSG 130
    resistance to disease lowered CD 386-7;CH 115;1T 548-9;2T 64;
    scrofula CD 388
    scrofulous humors in system FE 140;2T 62;
    secret vice encouraged in children CD 399-400
    seeds of disease planted in system CD 386, 412
       hurtful 1T 548-9;3T 569;
       unnatural 1T 549
    stomach deranged CH 114
    stomach injured 2T 486
    sudden death 2SM 419;2T 61;
    susceptibility to changes in malarious atmosphere CD 386
    system apparently invigorated Te 158-9
    system filled with disease CD 268-9
    system in state of inflammation 2T 61
    system injured CD 407