EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Flesh food, Flesh foods   [511]
    taste perverted 2T 486
    tuberculosis CD 388;MH 313;
    tuberculous germs in food MH 313
    way prepared for diseases CD 390;1T 548-9;
8. Substitutes for
    combinations of nuts, grains, and fruits in making CD 269
    duty to provide CD 384-5, 398;CG 384;CH 495;
    foods wholesome, nourishing, and palatable needed as CD 289;MH 316, 317;7T 124;
    fruit as CD 394, 400;MM 310;
    God can give His people something as CD 385
    God promises wisdom to prepare CD 269;MM 267;7T 124;
    health-food business should supply CD 350
    healthful dishes should be nicely prepared as MM 222
    inexpensive foods needed as MH 317
    manna given as, to Israel 1BC 1112-3;MH 311;MM 277;PP 377-8;
    manufacture, with taste and skill CD 269
    milk should be used as CD 394
    need to be well prepared CD 256, 398;CG 384;
    nurses should be taught how to provide MM 226