EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (wholesome)   [302]
    fasting makes, palatable CH 148;4aSG 131;
    for students MM 79-80
    for visitors CD 88
    free from irritating substances, needed CD 339
    general meetings should provide, prepared in simple manner CH 121
    God can provide, in wilderness PK 242-3
    good quality of: body tissues of good quality require CG 373;CH 116;
       eat regularly of MM 230
       good blood requires CD 263, 306;MM 230, 270;2T 537;
       health reformers can err by eating immoderately of 2T 365
       sanitarium patients should be served abundance of CD 289
       sick persons should be supplied MM 228
       system should be supplied FE 425
    healthful sinews and muscles need FE 227
    inexpensive: health reform calls for CD 273
       needed CD 272
       teach people how to prepare CW 129;7T 113;
    intemperate eating of, system injured by CD 131
    learn what, to eat and how to cook it MH 323
    learn what kinds of, best nourish body CH 565;GW 241;