EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (wholesome)   [302]
    moderation essential in use of CG 391
    multiplied by God, in hands of sons of prophets PK 242-3
    necessary for health, every country produces CD 94
    nuts used too freely in CD 269
    overeating of See Eating excessively; Gluttony
    people are enabled by, to better appreciate words of life 5T 163
    people are made more susceptible to Spirit’s influence by 5T 163
    physicians should prescribe, best suited for patients CD 306
    pure, be satisfied with CD 85
       health and strength call for CG 188
    quality of: attention should be given to MH 300
       care should be given to CH 577
       intemperance seen in CH 576
       need of proper FE 425;2T 485;
       should be in strict accordance with laws of health 2T 367
    san. patients should be served MM 228
    san. workers should show value of CD 282
    selection of, care needed in MH 318
       teach people how to make MM 306
    serve enough of, to nourish system CD 489-90