EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
    interest in, from relief of physical needs CME 29
    invention of own, and own law to substitute for God’s law 1MCP 324.0
    invitation of, church to proclaim HP 328.2
    Jewish economy is compacted prophecy of RC 112.4
    Jews given, first SW 22.2
    joy in; brightness in accepting God’s promises CME 26.4
    keynote of, is “consider one another”; world’s is self OHC 166.4
    last-day message of, threatened by sophistries 3SM 72.1
       and, See also Law and gospel
       breakers not promised God’s favor by FW 96.2
       needed to give, efficiency and power OHC 141.4
       not broken freely because of FW 96.1
       not weakened in, but men enabled to keep it FW 52.1
    light from,
       as rays of the sun to extend to every soul HP 340.2
       yet to shine forth TDG 314.2
    love and respect for brethren result from principles of TMK 184.6
    lowering of Old Testament standard in, claimed by Satan FW 90.2
    marriage restored by AG 115.3