EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
    medical missionary work in ministry of CME 42.4
    meditating on, creates desire to reach its standard HP 161.5
    meeting the claims of UL 50.4
    message of,
       colporteurs to sell books with PM 124.2
       preaching to the poor connected with HP 173.4
       same today; kingdom of heaven at hand TDG 185.2
    ministry of,
       health-care students to be bound up with 1MCP 343.2
       remarriage provided S. N. Haskell a helper for RY 114.2;TSB 33.2;
    mystery of, God’s character to be shown by AG 129.3
    obedience to, example to others in HP 31.3
    object of, salvation of the lost CME 43.4
    Old Testament patriarchs understood TMK 197.3
    old, to be preached; sorrow for sin and repentance TDG 370.4
    open book in Christ’s love UL 295.6
       spoke of, while working at his trade CC 342.2
       was shown UL 309.2