EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel work FE 529-32    [612]
    outside pale of Judaism, parable of great supper points to COL 226
    outward display is not needed in Ev 126
    outward show will not accomplish 9T 110
    oversight of, angels are commissioned to have 1T 204
    part assigned to His people in, God will not do 2T 166
    part is connected with part in perfect order and relation in 6T 235
    Paul’s method of, among Gentiles AA 208-9, 237-42
    perform: at all times and in all places 5T 459
       by everyone aside from his worldly employment 5T 459
    person incapable of doing, God has not made any COL 365
    person speaking lightly of, should not be connected with it 4T 209
    persons engaged in, in last days MYP 26
    persons who are called to enter 4T 523
    persons who feel called to, should be proved by labor in new fields 3T 203
    personal MYP 203
       often more successful in winning souls than sermonizing GW 193
    personal effort needed in DA 141;LS 211;MH 143;
       for salvation of men 5T 459
    personal responsibilities must be borne in DA 370
    place of cross in, must be shown 6T 240