EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel work FE 529-32    [612]
    present-day 9T 97-108
    principle that “the end justifies the means” must not prevail in 5T 562
    propriety and sound sense are needed in Ev 586
    prosecution of, Christ has made full provision for AA 29;8T 16;
    protect, from reckless and disorderly spirit of fanaticism 1T 413
    Protestant Reformers ready to sacrifice their possessions, liberty, and lives to advance 6T 403
    provision made by God for carrying forward CS 65
    push and unwavering faith needed in Ev 19
    qualifications they lack for, God will not supernaturally endow men with 5T 459
    qualifying one’s self for, importance of 5T 552
    requires: effort, self-denial, and self-sacrifice 6T 283
       individual responsibility, individual effort, and personal sacrifice MH 147
    responsibility of, finite beings are not left to carry burden of MB 121
    responsibilities in, should not be borne by one man 6BC 1056
    retrograding instead of advancing 6T 420
    right-thinking and intelligent men in, God needs 4T 67
    rivalry or self-seeking in, let there be no DA 439
    same principles should control all 2BC 1029
    Satan’s efforts to counterwork 6T 242
    science of, watching unto prayer is 7T 272