EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel work FE 529-32    [612]
    enlarged and not circumscribed 5T 555
    one grand harmonious whole in Christ MM 316
    practical Ev 260
    rising, broadening, and enlarging power LS 385
    supported by means Christ has given to His followers 9T 52
    varied to meet people where they are 2T 673
6. Ought not to be
    bound up in confederacy with unbelievers FE 484
    conducted: after worldly order of things 7T 209
       negligently or slothfully 4T 358
    done in: bungling and slipshod manner GW 369;4T 358;
       disjointed way 6T 235
       random, haphazard, desultory manner 8T 196
    performed merely once a week at place of worship 5T 459
    restricted by custom or nationality DA 403
    united with politics FE 484
7. Support of
    all believers should help in EW 95
    duty and pleasure of contributing to AA 338-9
    enlightened people will give freely to AA 358