EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel work FE 529-32    [612]
    freely giving for, need of 9T 49-60
    funds for, do not resort to fairs, lotteries, or parties of pleasure, etc., to secure AA 338;CS 201-3;PP 529;WM 289-92;
    God provides for CS 36
    greater provision needed for, as it widens than was called for anciently PP 529
    Macedonian believers gladly gave to AA 343
    means for, God will furnish DA 370
       promised to men who move forward in faith DA 371
    money for, forbidden methods of raising AA 338;CS 201-3;PP 529;WM 289-92;
       raised by sale of houses and lands AA 70-1
    Nicodemus used his wealth for AA 105
    our stewardship re 9T 246-51
    Paul’s instruction re AA 335-45
    tithes and offerings should be used for 9T 51-9
    See also Offering; Tithe
8. Miscellaneous
    accomplishment of, God makes Himself responsible for COL 363
    advancement of: appearance of wealth or position not essential to 7T 143
       economy needed in 7T 92
       every entrusted ability should be used for 6T 440
       expensive architecture or furnishings are not essential to 7T 143