EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
    many uneducated persons will proclaim God’s word as 7T 27
    married, must carefully maintain loyalty to marriage vows 5T 594-5
    married man as, should be so reserved and guarded that no evil may truthfully be said of him 5T 594
    martyrdom of, did not stop gospel work GC 41
    more competent, should receive higher compensation than less skillful workmen 5T 551
    more intent on doing duty than on receiving reward, God wants MH 476-7
    more solicitous for principle than for promotion, God wants MH 476-7
    most brilliant, do not produce greatest and most lasting results MH 150;6T 443;
    most effective: men best educated in sciences are not always FE 132
       respond to invitation in Matt. 11:29 MH 150
    most efficient, are most childlike DA 436
       respond to invitation in Matt. 11:29 6T 443
    most successful, humble men who trust in God will be MM 158
       unpromising souls who will become CM 154
    most talented, do not produce greatest and most lasting results MH 150;6T 443;
    needing care and treatment, sanitariums should give special consideration to 7T 292-3
    needing to be supported and carried by older workers, SDA have had enough Ev 634
    needing to be watched and told everything to do MH 499
    neglecting his work in order to stay at home Ev 654-5
    Negro See Negro gospel worker