EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
    new, constant effort needed to enlist 5T 722
       respect due to aged workers by 2SM 224
       show confidence in Ev 116
    not feeling importance of advancement and self-improvement 5T 573
    not laboring for wages they receive, need of 9T 27
    not ordained, God works through many TM 187-8
    not self-sufficient, need of Ev 634
    not specially qualified to do certain work should not stand in way of others 5T 722
    not steeped in selfishness, need of Ev 634
    not wholly consecrated to His service, God has no use for MM 207
    obedient to Spirit’s promptings, warning is to be proclaimed to world by GC 312
    obedient to teachings of God’s word, warning is to be proclaimed to world by GC 312
    occupying positions of trust, should educate associates by precept and example 5T 554
    of different nationalities 9T 187
    of spiritual power who become discouraged PK 173
    of understanding and mental power, God’s cause suffers for lack of LS 275
    older: may not always see greatness of God’s work 5T 723
       may not be inclined to keep pace with opening providence of God 5T 723
       need to educate youth for God’s service CT 536
       ought to help to train young men in evangelism 9T 119