EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
    refusing to: heed divine counsel choose way best pleasing to themselves TM 402-3
       move forward until every step is plainly marked out, never accomplishes much FE 344-5
       work for wages he receives 2SM 185
    regarding themselves as perfect whole, SDA do not need Ev 634
    relying continually on God, do not sink into discouragement CM 114
       do not worry CM 114
    rendering wholehearted service, God makes up deficiencies of MH 150
    restless, not needed in God’s work LS 275
    rough places need, who can feel for the ignorant and those out of the way 7T 271-2
    sanctified and self-sacrificing, need of AA 507
    schools needed to train, to enter opening fields LS 375-8
    sedentary, warned against overeating and lack of exercise 3T 489-90
    seeing His work in its greatness, God needs 7T 209
    seeking: higher wages 2SM 179
       only highest wages, Christ does not want 5T 86
       to save the lost, all resources of heaven are at command of COL 197
    self-deceived GW 382
    self-denying: accused as deceived or deceivers GC 519
       Christ calls for 8T 28
       God listens to appeals of LS 245