EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
       spirit of self-sacrifice manifest by 7T 216-7
       trials and labors of 2SG 286
       united in humble and fervent prayer for divine guidance 5T 88
       were to counsel together 5T 88
    pioneer SDA, carefulness needed in choosing EW 100-1
       set apart by laying on of hands EW 100-1
    pioneering in new places, need special consideration 7T 277-9
    possessing varied capabilities, are needed 5BC 1148
    prayerful and faithful, needed to sow beside all waters 4T 76
    praying much and beholding Christ will cease to exalt self 6T 48
    pure and holy, God calls for 5T 224
    pushing ahead in dark as well as in light, need of LS 213
    putting self aside, no limit to usefulness of ChS 254;CT 409;DA 250-1;FE 346;MH 159;8T 19;
    putting selfishness aside, will see eye to eye 9T 33
    qualified by unction of Spirit, final proclamation of third angel’s message by GC 606
    qualified for higher position, God’s plan for promotion of MH 477
    real and earnest and self-denying, accomplish something 3T 558
    really consecrated, are few 5T 82-3
    receiving and imparting life and light and grace, God’s work needs 9T 26
    receiving training need benefits of camp meetings 6T 48