EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
    not all, can occupy positions of responsibility as leaders 5T 394
    not all alike in understanding of God’s word 2SM 155
    not all called to do same kind of work 3T 314
    not all of same temperament Ev 100
    not called to authority but to service DA 550
    not chosen because they are perfect DA 294
    not half as vigilant as Satan is 6T 46
    not required to injure health by exposure and taxing labor 3T 128
    not supernaturally endowed with qualifications they lack 5T 459
    number of, must be increased 6T 416
    old-time spirit of self-denial and self-sacrifice is too seldom found in MYP 303
    one: cannot always do one job as well as another Ev 103
       is strong where another is weak Ev 104-5
       laboring for all classes at same time in England is difficult for Ev 416-7
    oneness among, when selfishness is dead 1SM 175
    Paul varied his methods as, according to circumstances under which he was placed GW 118
    pen or voice of, God has placed no man as judge over TM 293-4
    perfect harmony must be cherished by TM 329
    persons desiring to become, should receive training for that work GW 73
    persons God chooses as, are not always talented in estimation of world 7T 25