EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
    pinched want should not be experienced by 5T 373
    planning for, leaders should not do all TM 302
    position of, gives him no authority to dictate to other workers 8T 170-1
    positive traits needed in MH 497
    possess in themselves no essential grace or holiness TM 53
    power and efficiency gained by, as he accepts God-given responsibilities PP 255
    power and efficiency given to, by Spirit AA 50-1
    power is promised to 8T 19-23
    power of utterance given to, through impartation of Spirit 7T 271
    power that Christ has promised to CM 108
    praise should not be given to or expected by 3T 474
    preparation of 5T 552
       spending too much time in TM 231
    preparation of students as FE 358-9
    prepare, to go out into highways and hedges 9T 118
    principles of truth and righteousness and mercy must be within 6T 48
    principles which should actuate 5T 726-7
    promise of Christ to guide Ev 436
    promises for DA 827;6T 306-7;7T 271-2;8T 17;
    provision made by God for, to have grace and wisdom CH 560