EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    overbearing spirit in, carefully shun 4T 569
    parents should study 2T 360
    patience needed in teaching 3T 20
    people must be led along patiently and gradually in 3T 21
    people who complain that, does not agree with them 2T 538
    persons backward in 2T 67
    persons counterworking teaching of, work on wrong side MM 280
    persons frightened at 2T 368-9
    persons who disregard, God will not work miracle to heal CD 401
    persons who do not know what they talk about when speaking of 1T 487
    persons who proclaim third angel’s message should teach CD 77
    persons who profess, eat too much 3T 487
    persons who stumble at, warning to 1T 546
    persons who try to practice, because others do 2T 367
       but know no reason for what they are doing 2T 367
    physicians opposed to, warning against CH 456
    power on side of, example and influence should be 5T 360
    practice, and teach it to others CD 76;CM 133;CW 125;Ev 514;
       as well as preach it WM 129
    practice of, why many people have been discouraged in CH 450