EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
       reach many people not interested in Bible subjects Te 251
       remove prejudice CM 133;CW 125;
    purity of, use of flesh food does not point to CT 313
    question of, not agitated as it must and will be CD 304;Te 89;
    questions SDA need to ask re CD 19-20
    real common sense in CH 154
    refusal to practice, results of 9T 154
    related closely to third angel’s message 1T 559
       as hand or arm to body CD 75;CH 20-1;CM 138;CW 139;3T 62, 161;
    related to gospel work as right hand or arm to body 1SM 112;6T 327;
    relationship of, to prayer for the sick CH 373
    revival in, call for 6T 369-79
    san. patients must not be expected to adopt suddenly CD 288
    san. patients need to be taught CD 285
    sanitariums should stand as faithful sentinels of 4T 556
    self-control essential in practice of 2T 374
    setting right example in, does more for it than preaching does GW 230
    SDA are not the only sufferers when they disregard 2T 356
    SDA duty to advance Ev 664
    SDA must not let people of world go in advance of them in CH 578