EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    use, to arrest attention re Bible truth CW 124
       to bring truth to people CW 124
    vision given to EGW re 1T 485
    way opened by, for third angel’s message CD 76
    when you teach, meet people where they are 7T 135
    EGW adopted, from principle and not from impulse 2T 372
    EGW spoke on 1T 564, 654
    EGW’s experience in practicing CD 493-4
    EGW’s experience in proclaiming CH 531-2
    JW’s statement on CD 495-8
    with present truth, is power for good 1SM 112
    woman who was not faithful in 1T 693
    work of advancing, SDA have been given CD 38
    work of instructing people in, church has neglected CH 452
    work to be done among SDA by, before they can be a perfected people 9T 154
       which has not been done CH 575
    See also Health reform principle; Health reform work
    advantages of, shown by example and precept OHC 267.3
    blessings of,
       relate to adding patience to temperance 2MCP 386.2