EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Health reform   [402]
    talent needed to present, to people Ev 514
    taught and practiced, attracts unbelievers Ev 514
    teach: by example 6T 336
       in large SDA gatherings CH 339, 449
       to the people CD 76;CH 470;CM 133;CW 125;Ev 514;
       wherever interest is awakened CH 495
    teachers of: colporteurs as CH 462-4
       must be intelligent re disease and its causes CH 446;7T 136;
       who are not needed 2T 375
    teachers should practice CT 293
    teachings of, must stand out clearly and brightly in medical school MM 63
    third angel’s message accompanied by, to make plain natural law and urge obedience of it 3T 161
       to prepare people for second advent 3T 161
    too radical view of, physician warned against CD 204
    truth of, put forth greater efforts to teach CD 443
       sanitarium workers must represent 4T 582
    truth re, must be brought to people CW 124
    two classes who err in 2T 367-8
    unfaithfulness in, by leading church member influences many 2T 394
       by others does not excuse you for doing the same 2T 393-4