EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heathen abominations of, prevailing in Israel during apostasy PP 337    [159]
       Solomon’s PK 88
    martyrs among, violent death suffered by DA 35
    millions of, have never heard of God or His love Ed 263
    minister to missionaries at risk of death DA 638
    mother treated with little respect by PP 337
    mourning of, for the dead 2SM 270
    must be left no longer in midnight darkness COL 418;PK 719;
    necromancy practiced among PP 684
    neglected gospel work among, plea re 8T 60
    of Nineveh, Christ’s reference to repentance of PK 273-4
    partake of gospel blessings and privileges through Christ AA 136
    patience and gentleness under wrong were not prized by MB 14
    Paul pointed, to God revealed in nature Ed 66
    Paul presented Christ to, as Saviour AA 248
    Paul protected by, against bigoted Jews AA 430
    Paul’s appeals to, to accept Christ AA 248-9
    Paul’s methods of gospel work among AA 180, 233-45, 248-9, 286-7, 291-2
    plots of, against Nehemiah and his work PK 653-60
    pork used by, as food CD 392;2SM 417;
    prayers regarded by, as atoning for sin MB 86