EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heathen abominations of, prevailing in Israel during apostasy PP 337    [159]
    preaching among, by Paul and Barnabas AA 177-87
    professed people of God who are worse than, in His sight AA 416;DA 240-1;2T 441;
    professedly converted, idolatry brought into church by EW 211-2
    prophetic messages re God’s plan for, not always understood PK 367
    propriety of receiving gifts from, for God’s cause TM 197
    purchase money for soul of, Christ paid 2SM 343
    rabbis regarded, as unclean AA 133;MH 209;
    rabbis’ disdain for DA 62
    redeemed, will greet missionaries in world to come ML 353
    reverence of, for idol deities 2SM 314
    sacrificial offerings of, regarded as gifts for propitiating the Deity DA 113
    salvation of, Christ’s regard for DA 399-402
       Israel almost wholly lost sight of God’s designs for PK 370
    separation of God’s people from, in time of Ezra and Nehemiah PK 665-6
    SDA who will be more guilty than, in day of judgment 5T 495
    Solomon’s touching plea to God for PK 66
    some: in more favorable condition than some persons who have received great light DA 239
       learned that God of Israel was true God PK 369
       more righteous than unbelieving Jews AA 416
    Spirit implants grace of Christ in heart of COL 385;PK 376-7;