EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

High Priest (Christ as) 1SM 340-4    [369]
    closing work of priestly office of, began in 1844 Ev 223
    confessions of God’s people offered by, to Father EW 256
    door of most holy place opened by EW 86, 250, 254
       in 1844 EW 42-3;GC 428-9, 435;1SM 74;
    engages in last acts of His ministration for man GC 480
    eye of faith sees, in His work of intercession SR 379
    final atonement began in 1844 by EW 253
       for all who could be benefited by His mediation EW 253
    final intercession made by, for all for whom mercy still lingers EW 254
       for people who have ignorantly broken God’s law EW 254
    final ministration of, in work of judgment is going forward EW 253
    finishing of atonement by, Dan. 8:14 pointed to LS 63;1T 58;
    intercedes for His people Ev 223
    investigative judgment by: began in 1844 GC 480, 485;1SM 125;
       began with dead persons who professed to be children of God EW 280;GC 482-3;1SM 125;
       blotting out of sins of God’s people follows GC 485
       both the living and the dead professing to be children of God must be judged by GC 486
       closes with judgment of the living professing to be children of God EW 280;GC 482-3;1SM 125;
       considers only cases of professed people of God GC 480
       destiny of all will have been decided for life or death at close of GC 490