EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

High Priest (Christ as) 1SM 340-4    [369]
       necessitates examination of books of record to determine who are entitled to benefits of His atonement SR 378
       no one knows how soon, will pass to cases of the living GC 490
       searching scrutiny of, all who have taken name of Christ must pass GC 486
       second advent follows GC 485;SR 378;
       subject of, God’s people should clearly understand GC 488
    last division of solemn work of, began in 1844 GC 421-2
       cleansing of sanctuary is GC 421
    ministers (officiates, or stands) before: ark containing God’s law EW 32, 254, 256;GC 433;
       ark containing Ten Commandments EW 279
       mercy seat 7BC 948;EW 252;
    ministration (intercession, or mediation) of GC 421-32, 479-91
       began when His ministration in first apartment ceased GC 428-30, 432
       benefits of, people who follow Him by faith in great work of atonement receive GC 430
       center of His work for men is GC 488
       Christians who died in faith and without light on Sabbath before commencement of, now rest in hope EW 42-3
       commencement of, present test on Sabbath could not come until EW 42
       Dan. 7:9, 10 pointed to GC 479-80
       Dan. 7:13 pointed to GC 424, 426, 479-80
       Dan. 8:14 pointed to EW 253;GC 424, 426, 480;LS 63, 278;1T 58;