EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Idol, Idols all, must be expelled from heart CS 221    [193]
    of false doctrines, easy to make GC 583
    of gold, God may remove your GC 622
    of men’s opinions, bow down no longer to LS 330;TM 471;
    of opinion, result of refusing to discard some DA 280
    of self, dethronement of MYP 74
    of theories, easy to make GC 583
    one after another, must be cut off till God reigns supreme in heart 1T 237
    overpowering and gushing love for human objects becomes TM 442
    passion makes, of object of its choice AH 50
    philosophical, enshrined in place of God in some minds GC 583;5T 174;
    poor people are called upon to sacrifice their 1T 224
    purchased with money that should go to God’s house CS 288
    put away your CG 134;CS 37;6T 450;
    reputation as, to some people SC 44;5T 83;
    riches were rich young ruler’s DA 520
    Samaritans regarded, as reminders of living God DA 188;PK 567;
    search for your, and cast them out MM 226
    search yourself to see what, you cherish 7BC 941
    self as 1SM 80;2T 26;5T 205;
       of many rich men 7T 88