EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Idol, Idols all, must be expelled from heart CS 221    [193]
    unnatural stimulants cherished as 1T 549
    whatever: assumes form of, expel from soul temple 8T 53
       interferes with service due to God is 2BC 1011-2;SD 57;
       men love and trust in instead of loving and trusting God becomes 5T 250
       takes supreme love for God from heart is 1T 289, 436
       tends to abate love for God becomes 2BC 1011;SD 57;
       tends to divert mind from God assumes form of SD 57;4T 632;
    within, and idols without FE 197
    woman who makes, of corrupt man TM 434-5
    worldly honor is, to some people SC 44;5T 83;
    worship of: among antediluvians PP 91;3SG 63, 70, 87;SR 67;
       by builders of tower of Babel PP 119;3SG 301-2;SR 73;
       by Galatians AA 207
       common in Egypt 3SG 269;SR 143;
       Corinthian believers led from AA 327
       degrades man’s ideas 4BC 1145
       demonstration of worthlessness of PP 320
       idolatry includes more than AA 317
       in Canaan in Abraham’s time PP 133-4
       in Christian church SR 328