EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
    youth who would serve God cannot drink SD 174
8. Traffic (business) in
    accidents by land and sea multiplied by MH 345
    breeder of disease MH 345
    brutalizes and destroys men PK 186
    church members engaged in, contribute to support of church enterprises MH 340
       give liberally to popular charities MH 340
       help to support ministers of churches MH 340
    church’s duty to members connected with Te 231
    churches that virtually sustain MH 340
    curse of, carried from Christian lands to heathen countries MH 339
       strikes heart of home MH 339
    danger from, make plain the MH 346
    demand that lawmakers stop MH 346
    dishonesty and violence in Te 27
    enactment of laws legalizing, daring impiety seen in PK 186
    expense incurred from fruit of, enormous MH 343
    fallacious argument that revenue from, justifies licensing of it MH 343-4
    folly of tolerating MH 343-4
    gallows supplied with victims by Te 205