EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
    government expense as result of, far exceeds revenue derived from it MH 343
    has on its side combined strength of money, habit, and appetite MH 340
    has root in hell and leads to perdition Te 43
    hellish work of, performed under law’s broad seal Te 205
    human woe is perpetuated by, more than by any other business Te 41
    interests of all men are imperiled by MH 345
    is death-dealing traffic 3BC 1162;Te 43;
    is power in world MH 340
    lawlessness caused to run riot by MH 345
    legal enactments sanctioning, protest against Te 27
    legalizing of, evil results of Te 32-3, 37-8, 203-5
       families are ruined by Ev 529
       law sanctions ruin of souls by MH 344-5;Te 39;
       Satan inspired PK 186
    legislators who legalize, responsible for results of it Te 38-9
    license laws foster, while professing to restrict it MH 342
    licensing of, keeps temptation constantly before persons trying to reform MH 342
       places it under law’s protection MH 342
    life made unsafe by MH 345
    life of, depends on creating liquor appetite in youth MH 342