EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    Elah as king of PK 110
    Zimri as king of PK 110
    Omri as king of PK 110, 114
    Ahab made king of PK 114
    alliance of, by Ahab’s marriage to daughter of king of Zidonians PK 114-5;3T 262-3;
    Baal worship introduced among PK 114-6;3T 262-3;
    Baal worship in PK 119-54, 281-2;3T 262-3, 273-90;
    reformation in, begun by Elijah PK 139-54, 177-89, 217-28, 254;3T 273-90;
    alliance of, by marriage of Ahab’s daughter to Jehoshaphat’s son PK 192-5, 212, 214
    Elisha’s prophetic ministry to PK 214, 217-64, 281
    Micaiah’s prophetic ministry to PK 195-6
    defeated in battle with Syrians PK 195-6, 207, 244
    Ahaziah made king of PK 207
    Ahaziah’s rule over PK 208-10, 212, 224
    Jehoram (Joram) made king of PK 212, 214, 255
    schools of prophets re-established in PK 224-5
    Syrian invasion of, to capture Elisha at Dothan PK 255-8
    Syrian invasion of, by King Hazael PK 258-60